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  • 한국과학기술단체총연합회
  • 한국학술지인용색인
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Title Heat kTransfer Modeling and Characteristics Analysis of Impulsed Magnetizing Fisture
Authors 백수현 ; 김필수
Page pp.381-387
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords 커패시터 방전 임펄스 착자기 ; 임펄스 착자요크 시스템 ; SPICE 모델링 ; 열전달 모델링 Capacitor Discharge Impulse Magnetizer ; Impulsed Magnetizing Fixture Systerm ; SPICE Modeling ; Heat Transfer Modeling
Abstract In this paper, we found the improved SPICE heat transfer modeling of impulsed magnetizing fixture system and investigated temperature characteristics using the proposed model. As the detailed thermal characteristics of magnetizing fixture can be obtained, the efficient design of the impulsed magnetizing fixture which produce desired magnet will be possible using our heat transfer modeling. The knowledge of the temperature of the magnetizing fixture is very important of forecast the characteristics of the magnetizing fixture which produce desired magnet will be possible using our heat transfer modeling. The knowledge of the temperature of the magnetizing fixture is very important to forecast the characteristics of the magnetizing circuits under different conditions. The capacitor voltage was not raised above 810[V] to protect the magnetizing fixture from excessive heating. The purpose of this work is to compute the temperature increasing for different magnetizing conditions. The method uses multi-lumped model with equivalent thermal resistance and thermal capacitance. The reliable results are obtained by using iron core fixture (stator magnet of air cleaner DC motor) coupled to a low-voltage magnetizer(charging voltage : 1000[V], capacitor : 3825[μF]. The modeling and experimental results are in close aggrement.