• 대한전기학회
Mobile QR Code QR CODE : The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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  • 한국과학기술단체총연합회
  • 한국학술지인용색인
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Title Lift-Off Voltage and Partial Discharge Characteristics of Free Metallic Particles in GIS
Authors 윤진열(Yun, Jin-Yeol) ; 한상옥(Han, Sang-Ok)
Page pp.127-132
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords GIS ; Partial Discharge ; Particle ; Apparent Discharge ; Motion of Particles
Abstract Both motion of free metallic particles from which most GIS internal failures are caused and partial discharges from the particles were examined using EHV GIS test chamber. Effects from particle length and gas pressure which are main factors to lead to breakdown failure were investigated theoretically and experimentally. Magnitude of both lift-off voltage and partial discharge inception voltage were measured respectively and, through these measurements, this paper showed the possibility of predicting breakdown fault and of taking action to prevent the fault in advance. The measurement of partial discharge when the particles began to move could be adopted to decide minimum sensitivity in developing predictive diagnostic equipments. Both the amount of apparent discharge and real discharge in GIS were examined theoretically and experimentally, then experimental results were analyzed on the basis of the theory.