Title |
A New Dispatch Scheduling Algorithm Applicable to Interconnected Regional Systems with Distributed Inter-temporal Optimal Power Flow |
Authors |
정구형(Chung, Koo-Hyung) ; 강동주(Kang, Dong-Joo) ; 김발호(Kim, Bal-Ho) |
Keywords |
Dispatch scheduling algorithm ; unit commitment ; inter-temporal optimal power flow ; regional decomposition |
Abstract |
SThis paper proposes a new dispatch scheduling algorithm in interconnected regional system operations. The dispatch scheduling formulated as mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem can efficiently be computed by generalized Benders decomposition (GBD) algorithm. GBD guarantees adequate computation speed and solution convergency since it decomposes a primal problem into a master problem and subproblems for simplicity. In addition, the inter-temporal optimal power flow (OPF) subproblem of the dispatch scheduling problem is comprised of various variables and constraints considering time-continuity and it makes the inter-temporal OPF complex due to increased dimensions of the optimization problem. In this paper, regional decomposition technique based on auxiliary problem principle (APP) algorithm is introduced to obtain efficient inter-temporal OPF solution through the parallel implementation. In addition, it can find the most economic dispatch schedule incorporating power transaction without private information open. Therefore, it can be expanded as an efficient dispatch scheduling model for interconnected system operation. |