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Title Mitigation Method of Shaft Voltage Based on the Variation of Parasitic Capacitance
Authors 임준혁(Jun-Hyuk Im) ; 박준규(Jun-Kyu Park) ; 이승태(Seung-Tae Lee) ; 정채림(Chae-Lim Jeong) ; 허진(Jin Hur)
DOI http://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2018.67.4.522
Page pp.522-530
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Bearing protection ; Equivalent circuit ; Parasitic capacitance ; Shaft voltage
Abstract This study proposes the mitigation method of shaft voltage by varying the parasitic capacitance. First, the shaft voltage explained. Second, the parasitic capacitances causing shaft voltage are analyzed respect to geometry of motor and windings. Then, the equivalent circuit is established to obtain the shaft voltage and output torque characteristic and develope appropriate motor structure. Finally, simulation and experiment are conducted to verify that modified motor suppress the shaft voltage. This novel model does not require additional hardware.