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Title Sampled-data Fault Tolerant Controller Design for a T-S Fuzzy System
Authors 김한솔(Han Sol Kim) ; 주영훈(Young Hoon Joo)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2019.68.7.916
Page pp.916-922
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords T-S fuzzy model ; Fault tolerant ; Sampled-data control ; Linear matrix inequality
Abstract This paper deals with the fault tolerant control design problem for a Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy system. The exact discretization approach is employed to derive the linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based stability condition of the system in which the continuous-time and discrete-time state variables are mixed due to the sampled-data controller feeding back the sampled state vector. Moreover, it is assumed that the controller includes an uncertain fault matrix that varies in time. Therefore, the time-varying fault matrix appears in the stability condition, which complicates the analysis. To handle this problem, the fault matrix is decomposed into both time dependent and independent terms using its upper and lower bounds. And then, the resulting stability condition is constructed to only depend on the time independent terms of the fault matrix. Finally, the proposed sampled-data fault tolerant controller design method is validated through the simulation example.