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Title K-EDES: Earthquake Damage Estimation Web-System for Electrical Substations in South Korea
Authors 황명하(Myeong-Ha Hwang) ; 이인태(In-Tae Lee) ; 연관희(Kwan-Hee Yun)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2020.69.11.1717
Page pp.1717-1723
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Earthquake Simulation; Substations; Damage Estimation; Web System
Abstract Recently, various research and developments related to the large-scale earthquake source generation model and facility damage estimation model have been conducted. However, the earthquake damage estimation model and visualization research for electrical substations in South Korea are insufficient. Therefore, we propose K-EDES which includes an earthquake source generation model considering topography characteristics and damage estimation for electrical substations in South Korea. K-EDES consists of large-scale seismic source synthesis, damage estimation model for electrical substations, model simulator, visualization of damage estimation results, and provides an environment for integrated management. In addition, K-EDES can be performed in real-time because it includes distributed parallel systems and resource management functions for resource status and work schedule management. The results of this study helps real-time response of electrical substations management in the event of an actual earthquake. Therefore, it is possible to shorten the period of earthquake damage recovery and reduce the repair and maintenance costs.