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  • 한국과학기술단체총연합회
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Title Performance Analysis of Magnetic Gear Integrated Permanent Magnet Motor for Electrical Railway considering Gear Characteristics
Authors 정거철(Geochul Jeong) ; 정동훈(Dong-Hoon Jung)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2021.70.3.535
Page pp.535-541
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Gear Characteristics; Permanent Magnet Motor; Magnetic Gear Motor; Synchronous Motor
Abstract This paper is a study of the performance analysis of the Persistent Magnetic Gear System for Electric Railroad, which considers gear characteristics. In the industry, the driving system consists of mechanical gear and electric motors, and mechanical gear is a mechanical gear. The role of the electrician's mechanical output is to amplify or decrease the torque, but it's a part of the body.
According to the Korean Communications Guide, the gap between the teeth, the noise, the vibration and the vibration, is very complicated because of the contact, and the driving system combining mechanical gear and electric motors is very complex. Studies on the Contactless Magnetic Gear are still going on, but still on the run. The Stem has a complex structure with a combination of gears and electrons, so that these driving systems need to be simplified, and large driving systems, such as commercial cars and rail vehicles, demand a mechanical gear and electromotive. The writer is a deputy business news editor of the JoongAng Ilbo. It proposed a structurally simplified, lightweight, magnetic gear-type permanent magnetism, and performs a performance analysis of the magnetic magneticular electromagnetic magnet, which considers gear characteristics. In conclusion, it proposed a model of a permanent magnet, a magnetic gear that has high performance characteristics.