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Title Investigation of the Spectral Photosensitivity of nGaAs-n+(GaAs)1-x-y(Ge2)x(ZnSe)y Heterostructure Obtained from Bi Solution-Melt
Authors (Ismailov Shavkat Kuzievich) ; (Saidov Amin Safarbaevich) ; (Usmonov Shukrullo Negmatovich) ; (Saparov Dadajan Valixanovich) ; (Eshonkhojaev Dilmurod Odilovich) ; (Asatova Umida Palvanovna) ; (Bobojanov Sukhrob Gayratovich)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2024.73.6.980
Page pp.980-986
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords solid solution; molecular substitution; epitaxial layer; heterostructure; spectral photosensitivity; nanocrystallites; near-ir regions of the radiation spectrum.
Abstract This paper presents the possibility of the formation of a (GaAs)1-y-x( Ge2)y(ZnSe)х solid solution based on chemical elements of groups II, III, IV, V and VI depending on the charge state and covalent radii of the molecules of the solution-forming components. This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the spectral photosensitivity of the n-GaAs?n+ (GaAs)1-x-y (Ge2)x(ZnSe)y heterostructure and atomic force microscopy of the surface of an epitaxial film of a molecular substitution solid solution (GaAs)1-y-x( Ge2)y(ZnSe)х grown from Bi solution-melt on GaAs substrates. The photosensitivity of n-GaAs?n+ (GaAs)1-x-y(Ge2)x(ZnSe)y heterostructures covers the photon energy range from 1.3 eV to 2.5 eV, with maxima at 1.6 eV, 2.0 eV, and 2.4 eV. On the surface of the (GaAs)1-y-x( Ge2)y(ZnSe)х epitaxial film, nanocrystallites with a height c ~ 6.5?7.5 nm and a base width ~ 120?150 nm were found. The concentration of nanocrystals on the surface of the epitaxial film was ~ 2.5?108 sm-2.