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Title Group Control of Functional Linear Actuation Elements of Mechatronic Modules
Authors (Matyokubov Nurbek Rustamovich) ; (Rakhimov Temurbek Omonboevich) ; (Bobojanov Sukhrob Gayratovich)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2024.73.6.995
Page pp.995-1003
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Mechatronic module; functional linear actuation element; industrial robot; group control; control algorithm; functional structural model.
Abstract Robots and robotic complexes are widely used in modern production processes. Their performance and principles are mainly related to the mechatronic modules based on their performance elements. The organization of the control process of an industrial robot allows to consider the discrete nature of technological operations and the characteristics of functional linear actuation elements of interacting mechatronic modules, in general, the logical level of group control, as a discrete control object. The article is focused on the structural scheme of the mechatronic module control and the movement cyclogram of the functional linear actuators in accordance with the mobility level and positions of the industrial robot, which serves to express the sequence of linear and angular reversible step movements simultaneously in space coordinates.
Taking into account the positions and mobility levels of the industrial robot manipulator in the group control of the functional linear actuators of the mechatronic modules, a method of obtaining a sequence of control commands and a group logic control algorithm has been developed based on the cyclogram depending on the spatial coordinate systems. Based on the group logical control algorithm, the functional model of the electromagnetic-mechanical properties of the functional linear mechatronic modules actuators and their structural structure are presented.