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Title A Study on Analysis of Voltage Recovery Impact of Smart Inverter Based on Distribution System Characteristics
Authors 권동영(Dong-Yeong Gwon) ; 최윤혁(Yun-Hyuk Choi)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2024.73.7.1112
Page pp.1112-1118
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Fault Analysis; SCR; Smart Inverter; Technical Requirements; VRT
Abstract The sustained increase in the penetration of variable energy resources causes challenges to grid resilience and can lead to supply issues during faults. In response, power utilities globally have established grid integration regulations for renewable energy to manage these challenges effectively. Flexibility is enhanced through technical requirements based on the potential variability in the grid. This paper presents the implementation of a Voltage Ride Through (VRT) model using Matlab-Simulink. The model simulates low-voltage scenarios resulting from faults and allows for an analysis of the impact of smart inverter distribution system characteristics on recovery. Therefore, This contributes insights into the recovery dynamics influenced by the characteristics of distribution systems and smart inverter operating during grid faults.