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  • 한국과학기술단체총연합회
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Title A Study on the Critical Transmission Operating Constraint Forecasting(COCF) of Transmission Systems with High Renewable Resources Penetrations
Authors 유솔의(Solui Yu) ; 허진(Jin Hur)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2024.73.9.1513
Page pp.1513-1518
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Critical Transmission Operating Constraints Forecasting (COCF); Transmission Thermal Limits; Capacity Factor; Wind Power Integration; Grid Reliability
Abstract Wind power generation, as a pivotal resource of renewable energy, is emerging as a leading force in carbon neutral, with its share in the global energy mix experiencing rapid growth. However, the inherent volatility of wind power output poses challenges, leading to potential transmission operating constraint resulting from sudden output fluctuations. This paper presents a methodology for critical transmission operation constraints forecasting (COCF) on a monthly and hourly basis, simulating scenarios involving large-scale wind power generation integrated into the power system. The proposed approach was validated through its application to the Jeju power system, where transmission thermal limits on critical lines were forecasted using actual power load and wind power capacity factor database. The insights gained from this methodology offer valuable perspectives for assessing power grid reliability concerning wind power integration and establishing response systems to uphold overall system stability.