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Title Frequency-Dependent Transmission Line Modeling Technique for Steady-State Harmonic Impedance Scanning
Authors 주해민(Hae-Min Ju) ; 문승일(Seung-Il Moon) ; 이규섭(Gyu-Sub Lee)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2025.74.2.244
Page pp.244-250
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Harmonic Impedance; Harmonic analysis; Frequency-dependent transmission line
Abstract This paper focuses on the analysis of frequency-dependent characteristics in transmission lines and their impact on harmonic impedance. Transmission line modeling is conducted in the time domain, incorporating existing frequency-dependent parameters, to evaluate the minimum requirements for accurate harmonic impedance modeling. The results show that these frequency-dependent characteristics significantly influence both the resonance frequency and magnitude of harmonic impedance. Furthermore, it is observed that sufficient approximation can be achieved even when the effects of ground return are disregarded.