(Ahmed H. Okilly)
(Jeihoon Baek)
(Electrical & Electronics and Communication Eng. Dep., Koreatech University, KoreaDep.
of Electrical Eng., Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
Email :
ahmed21490@koreatech.ac.kr )
Copyright © The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers(KIEE)
Key words
Isolated phase shift PWM converter, ZVS, high frequency magnetic parts, Kool Mu core, power loss analysis, PSIM.
1. Introduction
The increasing use of universal technological devices, which are one of the main sources
of electrical energy consumption, has resulted from the broad deployment of 5G technology
in communications and telecom networks. The source AC voltage must be rectified because
these electrical equipment normally operate on DC power. Traditional AC-DC rectifiers
can power these devices, but their circuit performance and power efficiency in high-power
density applications limits their use (1), thus they must be improved to be more energy efficient. As a result, a highly efficient
AC-DC power supply with a high power factor has been changed recently.
Figure 1 depicts the overall structure of an AC-DC telecom power supply, which consists of
two stages: a power factor correction (PFC) stage and a DC-DC output converter stage,
which is the best option for high power performance and good energy quality (2), (3). For telecom power applications, the second stage of the telecom power supply is
implemented to regulate the DC bus voltage to the desired load voltage (typically
45~63V) for the telecom power server (4), (5).
Fig. 1. The Structure of industrial two-stage telecom power supply
An effective technique must be chosen at this stage to offer high power density conversion
with high efficiency and low voltage, current and thermal stresses in the converter
different power components. The DC-DC converter stage can be constructed as an isolated
(6-9) or non-isolated
(10) converter depending on the power application.
The isolated converter is more extensively utilized in telecom power applications
because it is better suited to providing insulation and protection for connecting
loads than the non-isolated converter (11), (12). However, the Choosing of the suitable switching schematics for the converter to
reduce the stress on the switches during converter operation is one of the most critical
concerns in DC-DC converter circuit design. Therefore, an isolated DC-DC converters
based on phase-shift PWM switching technique have recently become one of the most
widely used techniques due to their ability to reduce switching losses and provide
better regulation over a wide load range, particularly when zero-voltage switching
(ZVS) operation is available for the converter switches. It is also possible to have
high power density conversion with minimal voltage stress and modest switching losses
by adopting ZVS operation (13), (14). Another essential consideration in the design of isolated phase shift PWM DC-DC
converters with ZVS is the magentic power components design and manufacturing including
the transformer and resonant inductor design and selection for providing ZVS over
a wide load range to minimize switching and conduction losses (15).
In this paper, the design considerations and manufacturing techniques for the high
frequency transformer and resonant inductor for the isolated phase shift PWM DC-DC
telecom converter stage are proposed to offer conversion with ZVS and low thermal
stresses, low conduction and switching losses. also, an output inductor filter to
maintain output voltage ripple at the specified values is designed and manufactured.
The performance of the 2kW DC-DC converter stage with using the optimized design components
are simulated using the PSIM simulation to investigate the converter performance.
Furthermore, the printed circuit board (PCB) with the power rating of 2kW is designed
and fabricated to experimentally testing the designed DC-DC converter efficiency and
to calculate the power loss budgets in the converter different power components.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: The optimal design analysis
and manufacturing of the magnetic power components of the employed DC-DC converter
stage are described in Section 2. The PSIM modeling and the simulation results are
presented in Section 3. The PCB design and experimental results are shown in Section
4. Section 5 is the paper's conclusion.
2. Phase shift PWM ZVS DC-DC converter stage design
Figure 2 depicts the schematic circuit of the used telecom
Fig. 2. Schematic circuit of the interleaved PFC stage
phase shift PWM ZVS DC-DC converter stage, which consists of three major components:
the full-bridge switching circuit on the primary side with phase shift PWM and ZVS
technique through tuning the resonant inductor Lr to exhaust the energy of the switches
parasitic capacitance at the moment of switching, which offers current flow with zero
voltage biasing, reducing switching losses and increasing conversion efficiency The
synchronous rectifier on the secondary side uses power Mosfets to rectify the HF transformer's
output voltage, and the output LC filter to adjust the load voltage, current ripple
contents to the specified values.
The following subsections outline the optimal design analysis and manufacturing steps
for the HF transformer, resonant inductor, and load filter inductor. The design specifications
of the employed phase shift PWM ZVS DC-DC converter based on LCU+ telecom company
for the 5G telecom power server are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Target converter design specifications
Bus voltage (Vbus)
400 (320-410)
Load voltage (Vo)
Output voltage ripple
Rated power (Po)
Switching frequency
Target efficiency
Load ripple current
2.1 HF transformer design and manufacturing
The effective (operating) duty cycle to calculate the transformer turns ratio, the
magnetization inductance to realize the ZVS, transformer core shape, size, and material
to reduce oscillations, number of magnetics, and eliminate eddy currents, and high
dv/dt to withstand overshoots and high voltage stress in the primary side are the
key parameters that must be considered in the high-frequency transformer's design
for DC-DC converters.
As a result, the design and manufacturing procedure for high-frequency transformers
for high-power density DC-DC converters can be summarized in four steps:
1. Transformer turns ratio (a) is calculated based on maximum operating duty cycle
(Dmax) at the minimum bus voltage rating of the converter (Vbus min) as follow:
Let Dmax about 70% and Vbus min about 320V, the transformer turns ratio can be calculated
where Vd is the primary Mosfet switch voltage drop and it is assumed to be 0.5V in
Let a=5, the effective operating duty cycle (Deff) can be calculated as:
2. Transformer magnetizing inductance (Lm) is calculated using the maximum magnetizing
inductance to achieve ZVS, as shown in
where CHB denotes the full equivalent capacitance of the primary H bridge, which can
be found on the primary switch data sheet. Ts min is the required minimum switching
frequency's minimum switching time; Tdead is the PWM dead time, which can be calculated
using the previously stated effective duty ratio.
3. The size, shape, and material of the transformer core are all determined by factors
such as efficiency, temperature rise, operating frequency, eddy currents, and core
losses. For high-frequency applications, iron powder cores, amorphous steel cores,
and ferrite cores can all be used (10kHz-3MHz). The ferrite cores, on the other hand,
are effective eddy current insulators with a very low core loss. When choosing a core,
you can begin with a core-weight (We), core effective volume (Ve), or core effective
area (Ae) based on the transfer power and switching frequency, and then select the
best-suited core from there.
The TDK supplier's ferrite core with a PQ shape and effective area of about 200mm2
is excellent for the DC-DC converter switching frequency (fsw=100kHz) and high-power
density in this work. Generally, for acceptable core losses, the transformer magnetic
flux should be kept low (0.1-0.4)Tesla. As a result, we limit the maximum magnetic
flux (Bmax) to 0.35Tesla, and the number of primary turns (Np) is calculated as follows:
Using an HF transformer with a primary winding of 20 turns, the operating maximum
magnetic flux is calculated to be around 0.336Tesla.
4. The core losses, primary cupper losses, and secondary cupper losses are the three
main losses in the transformer that must be estimated.
For the ferrite cores, the transformer core losses can be calculated as (19)
The cupper losses due to the primary winding resistance (Rp) and the primary winding
rms current (Ip) can be computed as
The cupper losses due to secondary winding resistance (Rs) and the secondary winding
RMS current (Is) can be computed as
2.2 Load (output) filter inductor design
The filter inductance value Lf is calculated using the specified ripple current ILf
expressed as a percentage of the full load current (15%) as provided in Table 4's design parameters. The value of the filter inductance can be estimated using KVL
in the secondary circuit of the DC-DC converter stage. The value of the filter inductance
can be calculated as
The maximum peak current (ILf pk) of a load filter inductor can be computed as
Using the LI2 method to select the inductor core from the Kool Mu chart as shown in
Fig. 3, the single-core Kool Mu with the part number 77493 was chosen for the load filter
inductor design. The number of turns (NLf) to obtain the required inductance value
(Lf) can be calculated as:
The copper loss (PLf DCR) of the winding wire due to the inductor DCR can be calculated
on a maximum value of the rms inductor filter current (ILf) as given
The core losses of the inductor (PLb Core) is calculated using the given formula
In this work, in order to design inductor which, withstand the peak current of about
(39.80) A at full loading condition of about 2000W, the load filter inductor (Lf)
with value of 30uF is manufactured with 16 turns of the 3-wire copper with 1.15mm
diameter size around the Kool Mu 77439A9 toroids core which also reduced the equivalent
DCR value by increasing the wire cross section area. The manufactured load filter
inductor DCR value was experimentally measured, and it was about 0.0029Ω.
Fig. 3. Kool Mµ chart for choosing load filter inductor
2.3 Resonant inductor design and manufacturing
The size of the resonant inductor tank is determined by the amount of energy necessary
to produce ZVS condition. As a result, the resonant inductance (Lr) and transformer
leakage inductance (Llk) inductor values must be able to exhaust the energy provided
by the parasitic capacitance of the primary switches (Coss) as well as the energy
provided by the transformer winding capacitance (Cw).
The leakage inductance of the designed HF transformer is around 1.9uH at the primary,
while the transformer winding capacitor is approximately 0.90nF. The resonant inductor
to achieve the ZVS in the primary side can be calculated using these parameters.
The peak current of the resonant inductor is calculated as
Using the LI2 method to select the inductor core from the Kool Mu chart as shown in
Figure 4, the single core Kool Mu with the part number 77120A7 was chosen for the load filter
inductor design. The manufactured load filter inductor DCR value was experimentally
measured, and it was about 0.013Ω. The number of turns (NLr) to obtain the required
inductance value (Lr) can be calculated as:
The core losses of the resonant inductor can be using
(16), and the copper loss (PLr DCR) of the winding wire due to the inductor DCR can be
calculated on maximum value of the rms inductor filter current (ILr) as given
In this work, the resonant inductor (Lr) with value of 31uF is manufactured with 22
turns of the single wire copper with 1.15mm diameter size around the Kool Mu 77120A7
toroids core. The manufactured load filter inductor DCR value was experimentally measured,
and it was about 0.013Ω.
Fig. 4. Kool Mµ chart for choosing resonant inductor
The designed load filter and resonant inductors specifications for the 2kW isolated
phase shift PWM ZVS DC-DC telecom converter stage are summarized in
Table 2.
Table 2. specifications of the manufactured inductors
Resonant inductor
Filter inductor
Peak current
Core type
Single Kool Mu (77120A7)
Single Kool Mu (77439A9)
72 ±8%(nH/T2)
No. of Turns
Winding wire
Single copper wire 1.15mm
3-Wire copper 1.15mm
Ploss (W)
2.4 Control circuit implementation of the employed converter
Fig. 5. Control circuit structure of the employed phase shift PWM DC-DC converter
Figure 5 depicts the control strategy for the DC-DC converter stage's voltage and current
control loops, which is used to control the primary and secondary switches of the
phase shift PWM DC-DC converter stage.
The phase shift PWM technique is used to control the whole bridge on the primary side
of the DC-DC converter by phase shifting the switching pulses of one half-bridge with
respect to the other. The ZVS method is used to achieve high power density efficient
conversion at a high switching frequency in this section. Voltage-mode or current-mode
control techniques can be used in this section. Because it is more efficient than
voltage mode control, current-mode-controlled DC-DC switching is popular. However,
when the PWM duty cycle exceeds 50%, the current-mode architecture can become unstable.
To alleviate this instability and restore stability across a wide duty-cycle range,
the converter's primary current slope compensation approach is used (5), (8).
The primary current and output voltage are the feedback signals in this control system.
A current transformer with a 100:1 turns ratio is used to sense the primary current,
which is then sampled by a resistor to obtain a primary current signal (VIp). In addition,
a load voltage signal (Vo fb) is detected. A 200kHz ramp signal is added to the VIp
signal to generate the primary current to compensate for the instability of current
waveforms at high duty cycle values (Ip). The output voltage feedback signal (Vo fb)
is compared to the appropriate reference value (Vref) and passed to the voltage PI
controller to generate the primary current reference value (Ip-ref). The primary current
(Ip) is then compared to the reference value (Ip-ref) to generate the duty cycle required
for the phase shift PWM (PS-PWM) and synchronous rectifier PWM (SR-PWM) generators
to generate the operating pulses for the primary and secondary switches.
3. Simulation Results and Discussion
PSIM software is used to investigate the performance of the employed DC-DC converter
with the designed power components shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Designed power components
Value/part number
Input capacitance
470 uF
Primary Mosfets
Resonant inductor
31 uF
H.F transformer
Core:PQ40/40, a=20:4:4, Lm=2.8 mH
Secondary Mosfets
Load inductor
30 uF
Load capacitor
470 uF
At a rated input voltage of 400V and full loading condition, the input-output power
waveforms are simulated as shown in
Fig. 6, it is observed that the designed converter offers full loading power conversion
with an efficiency of about 97.20%.
Fig. 6. Input-output power waveforms with rated input voltage and full loading condition
The output voltage control loop and the output filter inductor and capacitor are optimally
designed to regulate the load voltage and current with the specified ripple contents
for the telecom power applications as specified in
Table 1. in order to investigate the performance of the designed converter load voltage and
current ripple contents, the load voltage and current waveforms are simulated with
full loading condition of 2kW as shown in
Fig. 7, it is observed that the voltage ripple contents of about 13.5mV, and the current
ripple contents of about 20mA which is less than the specified values.
Fig. 7. Full load voltage and current waveforms and ripple contents measurements
The voltage and current of the switches Q1 and Q3 in the two legs of the full-bridge
of the primary side of the designed DC-DC converter are shown in
Fig. 8, with the current waveforms multiplied by scale 20 for easier viewing. it is observed
that, the optimally designed resonant inductor and the proposed phase shift PWM control
approach in the converter primary side allow converter operation with ZVS at the two
legs of the full-bridge in the converter primary side at full loading condition.
Fig. 8. Switches voltage and current waveforms in the two legs of the primary full
4. xperimental verification
Fig. 9. The manufactured 2000W PCB for the telecom phase shift PWM DC-DC converter
Figure 9 shows the printed circuit board (PCB) of the 2kW phase shift PWM DC-DC converter
designed using OrCAD capture and PCB design software and manufactured using the optimally
designed magnetic power components mentioned in the photograph and the selected power
components given in
Table 3.
To withstanding the high current at the output side the filter inductor is manufactured
using a 3-wire conductor which increases the conductor cross-section area and reduces
the equivalent inductor DCR which reduced the inductor power losses. the control circuit
of the employed converter is implemented using The UCC 28950 IC from Texas Instruments
which provides 4-PSPWM signals with a switching frequency of 100kHz for the primary
side switches and 2-SRPWM for synchronous rectification at the secondary side switches,
as well as primary current compensation to restore current stability and voltage loop
control to adjust the output voltage at the specified value to control the DC-DC converter
With the full loading condition and rated DC bus voltage of 400V, as shown in Fig. 10, the designed voltage control loop and the output filter capacitor regulate the output
voltage to about 54.5V with a small voltage ripple of less than 100mV, also, the DC
output current to about 38A with ripple current less than 30mA.
Fig. 10. Input-output voltage and output current waveforms at full loading condition.
The power losses budget in the converter's different power components are measured
and depicted as shown in
Fig. 12, which shows that the highest power loss budget is contributed in the secondary Mosfets
follows by the filter inductor due to the high current stress at full loading condition.
Fig. 11. Conversion efficiency curve of the designed converter
The power losses budget in the converter's different power components is measured
and depicted as shown in
Fig. 12, which shows that the highest power loss budget is contributed in the secondary Mosfets
follows by the filter inductor due to the high current stress at full loading condition.
Fig. 12. Fig. 12 Power losses budget in the different power components of the designed
converter at full loading condition
5. Conclusion
In this paper, the optimal design analysis, considerations, and manufacturing techniques
of the magnetic power components in the high power density telecom phase shift PWM
DC-DC converter stage is proposed. The designed HF transformer and the resonant inductor
maintain the operation of the primary switches with the ZVS technique which reduced
the switching power losses and offers high conversion efficiency. An LC filter is
utilized on the load side of the DC-DC converter which maintains the voltage and current
ripple contents at the standard values required for the telecom power applications.
The experimental results show that the designed DC-DC converter stage offers a maximum
efficiency of 95.70% at 75% loading conditions and an efficiency of about 95.20% at
full loading conditions. The 2kW, 54V phase shift PWM ZVS DC-DC converter stage with
an efficiency of more than 95% which is suitable for the telecom power applications
is achieved in this work.
This research was funded by grant (2018R1D1A3B0704376413) from National Research Foundation
of Korea(NRF)
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In 2012 and 2017, he got his B.Sc. (with honors) and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering
from Assiut University in Egypt.
He has been an assistant lecturer at the electrical engineering department of Assiut
University in Egypt since 2012.
Since 2019, hehas been studying for a Ph.D. at Korea University of Technology and
Education in South Korea.
Power electronics, PFC, and VSI circuits, analog and digital control circuits design,
power system stability, HVDC and FACTS applications are among his research interests.
In 2006, he got M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Wisconsin
Madison in Madison, WI, and in 2009, he received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering
from Texas A&M University in College Station, TX.
He worked for Amotech in Seoul from 1998 to 2000.
From 2000 to 2003, he worked as a Senior Research Engineer at Samsung Electromechanics
in Suwon, Korea.
He served as a Principal Engineer at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology in Youngin,
Korea, from 2010 to 2013.
From 2014 to 2016, he worked as a Senior Research Engineer at the Korea Railroad Research
Institute in Uiwang, Korea.
He has been an Assistant Professor at Korea University of Technology and Education
in Cheonan, Korea, since 2017.
Design and analysis of electrical machines, variable speed drives for traction systems,
and novel power conversion topology are two of his current research interests and