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Effect Analysis and Operation Method of the ESS for Relieving Power Generation Constraints of Non-Tripping Generators in SPS

김영찬(Young-Chan Kim) ; 송유훈(Yu-Hoon Song) ; 이태승(Tae-Seung Lee) ; 임지훈(Ji-Hoon Lim) ; 오상현(Sang-Hyun Oh) ; 국경수(Kyung-Soo Kook)

Design Optimization to Secure Multiple Arcing Time Interruption Performance of Self-Blast Gas Circuit Breakers

곽창섭(Chang-Seob Kwak) ; 백명기(Myung-Ki Baek) ; 강성모(Sung-Mo Kang) ; 이상화(Sang-Hwa Lee) ; 김성주(Sung-Ju Kim)

Investigation of the Spectral Photosensitivity of nGaAs-n+(GaAs)1-x-y(Ge2)x(ZnSe)y Heterostructure Obtained from Bi Solution-Melt

(Ismailov Shavkat Kuzievich) ; (Saidov Amin Safarbaevich) ; (Usmonov Shukrullo Negmatovich) ; (Saparov Dadajan Valixanovich) ; (Eshonkhojaev Dilmurod Odilovich) ; (Asatova Umida Palvanovna) ; (Bobojanov Sukhrob Gayratovich)